
Memory Study Sign Up

University of California, Irvine
Child Narratives Lab Memory Study
We want to work with you and your children (ages 5-9) on a project to learn more about children's memory development and understanding of event sequences.

Paid participation
Earn up to $175 in Amazon gift cards

Study eligibility:
  • English fluent (parent and child)
  • Be a parent of a child between ages 5-9 years old
  • Access to computer, webcam, and microphone
  • Your child does not have disorders or developmental delays that impair cognition, language, or social functioning
If you are interested in participating, please include your information below and we will contact you
Parent Name
Child 1 Name
Child 1 Age
Child 2 Name
Child 2 Age
Other Children Names and Ages
Parent Email Address:
Please verify your email address:
Parent Phone Number
Thank you for your interest in participating. If you have questions or would like further information, email us at cnl.memorystudy@gmail.com or call us at (949)381-1780
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