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This form should be used to report alleged violations of the Abusive Conduct in the Workplace Policy. You can see the Abusive Conduct Policy further at: https://policy.ucop.edu/doc/4000701/AbusiveConduct

If Respondent (see definitions below) is a non-employee student, or the Respondent is a student and the incident does not involve the student's employment, the Abusive Conduct Policy does not apply. You may report such incidents to the Center for Student 
Conduct for review under the Student Code of Conduct: https://conduct.uci.edu/

Any questions regarding this form should be directed to Workforce Relations at 

If you are experiencing an immediate safety threat or emergency, please call 911 immediately.

Reporter: Any individual, including a student, who makes a report of alleged Abusive Conduct.
Complainant: Any individual, including a student, who alleges and/or has been reported to have been subjected to Abusive Conduct.
Respondent: An individual alleged to have engaged in Abusive Conduct in the workplace (including student-employees).
Workplace: Any space where University business is conducted or occurs, in connection with University employment and/or in the context of a University program or activity.
Date of Incident 
If conduct has taken place on more than one date, please indicate the initial date here and include additional dates below in the Description of Conduct section.
Are you reporting for yourself or another?
If you are reporting alleged Abusive Conduct on behalf of someone else, you may do so anonymously. However, UC employees reporting on behalf of a student or subordinate employee must provide their name and other information to fulfill their reporting responsibilities.
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