
CalFresh Enrollment Verification Form

Questions marked with a * are required
School of Nursing CalFresh Enrollment Verification Form

Please fill out the following information carefully.  Please note this is for current UCI Nursing students only.

PhD Nursing Students: Note that PhD students are not currently eligible for CalFresh exemptions.  PhD students should not fill out this form and should email [email protected] with any additional questions.
Which program are you currently enrolled in?
Full Name (as registered with UC Irvine)
UCI Student ID #
UCI Email Address
Please select the current term:
Enrollment verifications can only be processed after you have enrolled in your courses for the term.

Please confirm below if you have enrolled in courses for this term.
Please review the information above carefully to confirm that it is correct before you submit.  

Note that requests for enrollment verification are checked weekly; you may expect to wait 5-7 business days for a response via email.  The response will include the verification letter that you will need to apply for CalFresh Benefits.


You will have the option to see a summary of your responses after you submit your request. We recommend saving a PDF copy of your responses for your records.
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